Saturday, July 7, 2007

Looking for extra income? Why not a part-time career in insurance? Helping protect families is a rewarding and profitable venture. We are looking for p/t agents who are interested in making 500 - 1000 a week on very part-time schedule. Check out
Advantages of simplfied issued products. These are products that do not require an exam. Whenever you have an exam, you open yourself up to being rated or declined by a carrier for even the smallest reasons. Simplified issue products have some conditions already built in so an approval is faster and easier.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Welcome to the Insurance Team

Welcome. This blog is here to give you insight into Insurance, Annuities, Insurance Careers and to answer any questions you have in this area. We will work to continually post valuable information and articles to help you have better knowledge of this industry. We will also discuss with you the possibility of part-time and full-time career opporutnities.

Our websites are,,