Monday, July 16, 2007

Here is how powerful our leads are: (This is an email from one of our agents)
I got a lead that was for a $15,000 mortgage for a 68- and 69-year-old couple. I got to their house and presented a $20,000 Strong Foundation for the husband and wife. It ended up being about $110 a month and that worked for them.

I then mentioned the Headstart program. It turned out that they had a grandson who passed away recently at the age of 14 so they understood the need for the coverage and liked the cash value aspect of it. At first it started out for just two grandchildren. About five minutes later I was writing Passport for 6 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. I had to reschedule my last appointment because I had so many apps to fill out!

That night I finished with 9 apps for about $3700 AP.

I went back the following morning to get all the illustrations signed, and the wife told me that she has another house that she pays for but her son lives in. She wanted to could cover that too… That morning I walked out with 7 signed illustrations and an additional $1,200 in production. I ended up with 11 policies from 1 lead that most agents wouldn’t have called because it was a small mortgage on "old" people.

Never judge a lead because of age or mortgage amount. You might be blowing off $3,000 in commission.