Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here is a link to a YouTube I did to explain options you can get when considering mortgage protection insurance:

Options when considering Mortgage Protection

Here are a few options you can consider when looking at Mortgage Protection Insurance:
Disability:  After 90 days can pay your monthly mortgage for up to 2 years
Critical Illness:  Accelerated Death Benefit that enables you to tap a piece of your death benefit in case of a critical illness.
Return of Premium:  Pays you your premiums back (or a portion) if you survive the term of the coverage.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Here is a link to a YouTube I posted explaining Mortgage Protection and why it is important to have it.

Why is Mortgage Protection so important?

You see a report on the evening news about a fatal car accident or a weather-related disaster. You hear about a friend or neighbor who unexpectedly lost a loved one. What if something like that happened to you? Would your family be prepared?

A time of mourning is no time to make major financial decisions or face the impending crisis of foreclosure. But, all too often, families are forced to put their home up for sale or risk losing it to the bank when the unexpected happens. Mortgage protection insurance can ease the financial burden on your family and ensure that they can make the next house payment, even in dire circumstances. If you are injured or stricken with a life-threatening illness, or if you die, you can leave behind a blessing to those you hold closest to your heart with a custom mortgage protection insurance plan.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is Mortgage Protection?

Mortgage insurance is protection to ensure that your family will never lose their home, even in the event of a tragedy. If you die, the insurance will pay off your mortgage. And, if you are hospitalized because of an illness or disability, mortgage insurance can make your monthly house payment for up to two years. Even if you refinance, your coverage stays in place. With a mortgage protection plan, your family's future is secure.