Thursday, May 20, 2010

Retirement Protection - Indexed Annuity

With the future of Social Security in question and company pensions quickly becoming a thing of the past, retirement is no longer as certain as it once was. An annuity is a secure investment that can guarantee income for your retirement.

Why is an Annuity so important? Retirement planning can be a bumpy road. Without the right investment vehicle, you may outlive your savings or suffer a lower quality of life to make ends meet. The government doesn’t make it easy, either. Taxes, Medicaid, estate planning, and a variety of other factors add to the uncertainty, putting your financial security in question.

Retirement is your opportunity to live your dreams. Don’t spend it on a modest income or, even worse, burdening your family financially. With an annuity, you can guarantee income for the rest of your life, so you can enjoy your golden years without worrying about the finances.

If you’re planning for retirement, you can obtain a free annuity quote.


Investing for the future is not a one-step process. If you aren’t reevaluating your investments from time to time, you might be losing out. An annuity exchange allows you to shift your existing annuity product into a better offering.

Why is an Annuity Exchange so important?

Many older annuities leave a lot to be desired. They can be confusing, complicated, or difficult to manage. Worse still, they may incur high management fees or limit your investment options, essentially undercutting your return. With thousands of potential retirement dollars on the line, are you sure you’re getting the most out of your annuity?

An annuity exchange gives you the power of choice. See an annuity product that you like better? You can roll your existing annuity into a new one to get the better deal. Managing multiple retirement assets? You can consolidate them into one for ease of management and superior returns. By trading up to a better annuity, you’re trading up to a better retirement.


401(k)s and IRAs are great for avoiding high taxes while saving for retirement, but there are limits on how much you can save. A tax-deferred annuity gives you another way to save that doesn't have these contribution limits, allowing you to save more and live better throughout your golden years.

Why is a Tax-Deferred Annuity so important? Taxes can be a real drain, especially if you're in a higher tax bracket. Like it or not, that's money you'll never see again. Unfortunately, sponsored retirement savings plans have built-in restrictions, which can keep you from reaching your retirement income goals.

A tax-deferred annuity is the perfect compliment to existing retirement savings. You can defer more for later with fewer restrictions, all the while avoiding high taxes just as effectively as a 401(k). Instead of living within your means, you can look forward to retiring with confidence and security.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why permanent - universal life insurance?

Death and taxes are inevitable, but universal life insurance helps you deal with both. With a universal life insurance plan, you get the coverage of life insurance along with a tax-deferred savings that grows over time.

Why is Universal Life Insurance so important? Because life is unpredictable. You could live into your 90's or you could die tomorrow. Nobody has the luxury of knowing when the inevitable will occur. The only way to guarantee your family's financial security is to be ready for anything.

Universal life insurance does just that. If death occurs, your policy will help deal with the aftermath. If it doesn't, you'll have savings to fall back on during retirement or hard times. If you become ill or disabled, you never have to worry about your insurability. With universal life insurance, you and your family are protected no matter what happens.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why Term Life Insurance?

Death is the worst emotional loss a family can suffer. All too often, the financial hardship that follows can make that burden seem unbearable. Term life insurance pays your family a cash benefit in the event of your death.

Why is Term Life Insurance so important? Because your family depends on you. What would happen if you died tomorrow? Could they pay the bills? Could they afford the funeral expenses? Without your support, how would they get by?

It's not a pleasant subject, but death is often unexpected. Planning ahead is the only way to protect your family from hardship if the unmentionable should occur. More importantly, it's a way of showing your love and support during their most difficult transition.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Expense Policies

According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the average cost of a funeral in 2006 was $7,323. And, this cost does not include the cemetery plot, monument, flowers, obituary or other cash expenses, which could push the cost well over $10,000.

Why burden your family with these costs at a time when they already have many other concerns? You can help reduce the worry your family will experience when you die by putting the money in place, so that it’s available when they need it most.

Do you have thie coverage in place?  How about your parents?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What Every Mortgage Protection/Life Insurance Policy Should Contain

Features every Mortgage Protection Policy should contain

1. Choice of Beneficiary: You decide who receives the tax-free proceeds from the program in the event of death. At such time, the beneficiary has several options. Three of which are:
• Pay off the mortgage in one lump sum;
• Invest the benefit and continue to make payments;
• Use the proceeds to relocate to a different home.

Most other programs pay the tax-free directly to the bank – your beneficiary has no control.

2. Portable: If you sell your home and buy another, or refinance your present home, this plan can simply move with you to continue to protect your next mortgage. This means regardless of how many times you move, you will never need to qualify for another plan or risk losing the one that you have. Most other programs will terminate – your beneficiary has no control.

3. Death Benefit Remains Level: The death benefit remains level for the length of your mortgage. With most plans, benefits decrease each year while the premium remains the same. If someone tries to sell you these decreasing term or credit life programs, ask them why the premium doesn’t decrease along with the death benefit – they won’t be able to answer that question.

4. Money Back Option – With the optional Money Back Rider, you can receive a refund of all your premiums at the end of your policy term.

5. Premium Is Planned Level For The Entire Term: The premium is planned level for the term of the coverage – many programs will increase their premiums every year or every five years – called Annual Renewable Term, popular with most of the big name companies out there.

6. Death Benefit Paid For Any Cause of Death: Death benefits should be paid regardless of cause of death – even suicide after the policy remains in force for two years. Many programs out there will pay only for an accidental cause of death – highly unlikely statistically for an adult, which is why those programs are so cheap.

7. No Act Of War Exclusions For The Death Benefit: Death benefits should be paid even if death occurs due to an act of war – declared or undeclared (terrorist attack). Many programs out there have this act of war exclusion built into their policy in fine print.

8. A.M. Best Grade of A- or above. Insurance carriers should independently be chosen the best program for you based on your needs, health profile, underwriting opportunity and budget.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Questions or Topic Suggestions?

Please let me know what questions you have on insurance and indexed annuities. I will give an easy to understand answer on my blog

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here is a link to a YouTube I did to explain options you can get when considering mortgage protection insurance:

Options when considering Mortgage Protection

Here are a few options you can consider when looking at Mortgage Protection Insurance:
Disability:  After 90 days can pay your monthly mortgage for up to 2 years
Critical Illness:  Accelerated Death Benefit that enables you to tap a piece of your death benefit in case of a critical illness.
Return of Premium:  Pays you your premiums back (or a portion) if you survive the term of the coverage.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Here is a link to a YouTube I posted explaining Mortgage Protection and why it is important to have it.

Why is Mortgage Protection so important?

You see a report on the evening news about a fatal car accident or a weather-related disaster. You hear about a friend or neighbor who unexpectedly lost a loved one. What if something like that happened to you? Would your family be prepared?

A time of mourning is no time to make major financial decisions or face the impending crisis of foreclosure. But, all too often, families are forced to put their home up for sale or risk losing it to the bank when the unexpected happens. Mortgage protection insurance can ease the financial burden on your family and ensure that they can make the next house payment, even in dire circumstances. If you are injured or stricken with a life-threatening illness, or if you die, you can leave behind a blessing to those you hold closest to your heart with a custom mortgage protection insurance plan.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is Mortgage Protection?

Mortgage insurance is protection to ensure that your family will never lose their home, even in the event of a tragedy. If you die, the insurance will pay off your mortgage. And, if you are hospitalized because of an illness or disability, mortgage insurance can make your monthly house payment for up to two years. Even if you refinance, your coverage stays in place. With a mortgage protection plan, your family's future is secure.