Sunday, July 8, 2007

Why Mortgage Protection?
It's an uncertain world. It's becoming more uncertain every day. Who knows with any degree of certainty that they'll be able to meet their obligations from day to day? All most of us can do is try to be in a position to see to it that those we love - those who count on us to provide for them - are left with some degree of security should tragedy strike.More often than not, tragedy means that someone has died. This happens all too often. But there are different forms of tragedy that also conspire to make life unbearable for the living. People get hurt in traffic accidents, people lose their jobs, people lose the protections they've put in place because they can't pay their bills - all of these are all too common occurrences. Generally, these situations result in drastic action by those affected. Folks deplete their savings or sell assets to keep their cash flowing. If you're fortunate enough to overcome whatever adversity you face, you're generally left broke and tired. It doesn't have to be that way.Mortgage Protection insurance is more than just a policy to pay off the balance of your mortgage if you or your spouse pass away. Mortgage Protection is a complete package of coverages designed to ensure that whatever happens to you, you'll be able to stay in your home and not end up broke. Of course, if you or your spouse dies, the policy pays you the money which you can use to pay off your mortgage. If you're hurt working around your house or you're in an automobile accident and can't work for awhile, your Mortgage Protection coverage can provide disability benefits (if you qualify) to provide you with cash while you can't work to ensure that your mortgage payments continue to be paid. You don't have to worry about losing your house while you're recuperating. Further, it is possible to have unemployment coverage as well (if available in your state), so that if you lose your job, your premiums will be paid for up to 6 months. And that money will come in to you, not your mortgage company, so you have control over your money. Remember, these Mortgage Protection policies are designed to help you, not some huge, bureaucratic loan company. That's a good thing!If the protections already described were all there is to Mortgage Protection, it would obviously be better for you than just a simple term life policy, but there's even more available to you. There's something called "Waiver of Premium" which allows you to skip paying your insurance premiums for a while as you deal with whatever caused your disability claim. So not only can you receive money, you'll be able to save money too! But probably the most remarkable feature available on our Mortgage Protection is the Return of Premium provision (if available in your state). If you'd like, you can arrange to have most if not all of the money you've paid over the years returned to you at the end of your policy term in one wonderful, tax-free lump sum! That's money you can put straight into a retirement plan or just spend on yourself because you deserve it!
Click here for more information.

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